
Thursday, July 26, 2012

Thrifting & sewing

I went to the local thrift store yesterday.
A while back I found a Pyrex mushroom bowl.
And yesterday I found another one in a small size.
I was so excited.
I also got the little glass bowl to use for a butter dish.

And I found this pattern from 1969.
I thought this was so cute.

Sewing for Alex.
This tote bag is for a guy who is opening a thrift shop
in Vancouver.
The name of the shop is "Fabtabulous".

And she ordered a few lunch bags.
Well not very exciting stuff, but that is what I have been doing.
I was looking for cute little boy fabric but
the selection was quite dismal.

Also working on more welders caps.
The guys are asking for them
Made 7 since yesterday.
But have lots more to do.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

What I am doing.

Just in case you are thinking I am not doing anything,
I thought I would show you what has been happening
in my sewing room.

A friend from Vancouver has ordered some lunch bags.
This is what I am working on today.
I have them all cut and embroidered.
All the decisions have been made.
Sometimes making the decisions is what takes me the longest.

I have made some pillowcases for her girls
as gifts.

Also been working on making more welders caps.
There seems to be quite a demand for them.
They will keep me busy for a long time yet.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Just so you know.

The birthday dress did fit.
She looked very cute in it.
And I forgot my camera!!
I will try and get a picture at a later date.